Please help the survivors of SuperTyphoon Haiyan in the Philippines. The numbers are overwhelming!
Help means massive and systematic emergency disaster response. Our disaster preparation training identifies at least 14 aspects needed for effective response:
- survivor camp coordination and management
- early recovery
- education
- emergency shelter
- emergency telecommunications
- food security and agriculture
- health
- livelihood
- logistics
- nutrition
- protection
- child care
- gender-based violence
- water sanitation and hygiene
We need all these things. We appeal to our global community to help promptly and generously! Choose the organization that you trust most. But donate quickly!
Help means respecting our people, especially the survivors of Haiyan.
- We’re real people, not just numbers or statistics.
- Understand our culture even in times of desperate need.
- Listen to our stories.
- Affirm our strength.
- Assist in our weaknesses.
- Respect our land and national dignity.
- Respect our holy places.
As a Christian organization, PeaceBuilders Community commits to the following:
God is making all things new and has called the Church to love expressed through unity of purpose and action.
Disasters expose the vulnerability of creation and the systemic injustices that remain in the world. We recognize the desperate need for the transforming work of God’s Church.
In recognition that the Church is called to reflect the character of Christ by engaging in transforming mission and faithful presence, we commit:
:: To a SOLIDARITY OF PURPOSE that demonstrates the character of the Church by collaborating intentionally with each other in integrity, humility, and goodwill, recognizing the dignity and inherent value of all;
:: To a SOLIDARITY OF PROCESS by advancing complete and transparent good practices of disaster management, including the wise and ethical stewardship of personal, corporate, and financial resources;
:: To SOLIDARITY OF CONSEQUENCE by holding ourselves, our community, our leaders, and our governments accountable before God and one another;
:: To a SOLIDARITY OF PASSION as advocates for justice, equality, dignity, and the transformation of persons, communities, and society;
We are a fellowship of Mennonite consultants — peace building operatives, conflict transformation specialists, restorative justice practitioners, disaster response specialists, and community development workers — who are dreaming and working together for a just, radical, and active non-violent transformation of our beautiful land. We normally work in partnership with –
- religious institutions,
- civil society organizations,
- political fronts,
- business corporations, and
- government agencies.
We are registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the Philippines: Registration Number CN200630697.
Our team is on site to organize just and fair relief distribution systems. Please donate to:
Checking Account Number: 007-547-00228-4
Bank Transit: 03026-0166
International Swift Code: MBTCPHMM
Bank Name: Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company
Bank Address:
MetroBank – Ecoland Branch
Quimpo Highway, cor. Eco West Drive
Ecoland District, Davao City 8000
For more information, please contact:
Chief Operating Officer
Telefax: (+63.82) 297.3139