We seek to become deeply rooted in each locality where we are invited by genuine community leaders. Local contextualization is the only way we see the work of peace and reconciliation actually blooming where they are planted.
PeaceBuilders Community and Coffee for Peace has been working with the Talaandig First Nation in the areas of peace-building, fair trade, and cross-cultural understanding.
In February 12, 2012, we celebrated this partnership and formalized it through a ritual offered to the Creator — known to Hebrew writers as Elohim, to New Testament writers as Theos, to the Talaandig people as Magbabaya, and to the Western Christians as God.
In the Talaandig worldview, every aspiration, action, event, or project starts with spirituality. That’s how we, at PeaceBuilders Community, look at the world too. We start with the many common grounds with other cultures. We engage in honest, transparent, and relational dialogue when we encounter differences in our worldviews. In all things, our relationship with the Talaandig people is grounded in the unconditional love of God.
PBCI is actively participating in Mindanao Peoples Caucus’ work of advancing peacebuilding and conflict transformation processes in Mindanao. We are partners with MPC in the work of initiating various dialogues and conversations between conflicting parties in Mindanao.
The Mindanao Peoples Caucus envisions a suitable and peaceful coexistence among Bangsamoro, Indigenous Peoples and Christian settler communities in Mindanao. It understands that the acceptability of peace will depend upon the mutual respect of these three groups; peace that seeks to resolve the root causes of the armed conflict; peace that allows full recognition of the tri-people who can develop and govern themselves in the economic, political, cultural, social and spiritual spheres of development.
PBCI is officially affiliated with Mindanao Peoples’ Peace Movement. MPPM is Mindanao-wide — it includes the participation of representatives coming from many different provinces and several cities in Mindanao. MPPM is grassroots-based — it is mainly composed of grassroots peoples whose active participation is considered the key in effecting and achieving lasting peace and sustainable development in Mindanao. MPPM is Tri-People — a recognition of the varied composition of the people in Mindanao (the Lumad, Moro and Settlers and their Descendants), whose diverse cultures, traditions, beliefs and aspirations should be respected.
Hineleban Foundation is a partner of PBCI in advancing Economic-Ecological Transformation. The vision of Hineleban Foundation is to see the regeneration of the rainforest of all the mountain ranges of Mindanao by the restoration of the Indigenous Peoples, local settlers and Bangsamoro Peoples as the Custodians of the Rainforest; which is the bounty and beauty of Creation for the sake of food and water security.
Hineleban Foundation works for this shared vision with the Indigenous Peoples/ First Nations, local settlers and Bangsamoro Peoples as One; building consensus and peace with active partakers and beneficiaries, by fostering co-ownership of the responsibility to regenerate the rainforest through empowered communities.