We are motivated by love and joy to help transform our land and peoples towards justice and peace.


PeaceBuilders Community, Inc. (PBCI) is a non-governmental organization based in Davao City, Mindanao, Philippines. We are a fellowship of peace and reconciliation missionaries — peace building field workers, conflict transformation specialists, restorative justice practitioners, disaster response specialists, and community development workers — who are dreaming and working together for a just and active non-violent transformation of our beautiful land. We are registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the Philippines: Registration Number CN200630697. PBCI was organized on the ground in 2006 and was registered with SEC in 2007.

PBCI follows a justice-based Peace and Reconciliation (PAR) framework, which is a holistic approach to peacebuilding. This framework involves a process of personal transformation and community building, which includes dialogue, training, and conflict resolution. The PAR framework is based on the principles of nonviolence, respect, and empathy.


What kind of peace we’re dreaming of:

  • Harmony with the Creator.  This is Spiritual-Ethical Transformation.
  • Harmony with our Being.  This is Psycho-Social Transformation.
  • Harmony with Others.  This is Socio-Political Transformation.
  • Harmony with the Creation.  This is Economic-Ecological Transformation.

What we dream of being:

  • We dream to be a peace-building community—we’ll seek to demonstrate in our own lives and in our relationships the kind of harmonious and transformational peace we’re hoping for
  • We dream to be peace-building operatives—we’ll devote the same discipline and self-sacrifice to non-violent peacemaking that armies devote to war.

What we dream of doing:

  • We help multiply transformational leaders who love the Creator and who are committed to organize justice-based Peace and Reconciliation (PAR) Communities through inclusive development and social entrepreneurship
  • We facilitate in establishing at least one contextually-relevant PAR Community in each of the 82 provinces in our country, prioritizing Indigenous Peoples’ communities.
  • We facilitate the establishment and development of a national Network of PAR Communities that would work together to train more leaders, to organize more teams, and to establish more PAR Communities.

What we dream of having:

We dream of having a Network of Peace and Reconciliation Communities throughout our beautiful land, who are organized in partnership with various parts, segments, sectors, groups, sections, constituencies of our nation, who are mobilized to do justice and peace initiatives, and who will lovingly serve all the peoples of our land unconditionally regardless of religion, ethnicity, or political ideology, to the end that our land will experience harmonious transformation!


Being, Doing, and Having are interconnected dimensions of a purposeful life. Each informs the other, creating a harmonious cycle of personal and communal growth. Being defines who we are; doing reflects what we contribute; and having reminds us of our stewardship over what has been entrusted to us. Together, these principles guide us toward a life that is intentional, impactful, and fulfilling.

Being: Who We Are

At the heart of everything is our being—our identity. It answers the question, “Who am I?” This is not just about what we do or what we have but the essence of who we are. Our being encompasses our values, beliefs, personality, and the core attributes that define our unique existence.

Being is foundational because without a clear sense of identity, everything else lacks direction. When we know who we are, we operate with purpose and integrity. Our identity gives us strength in times of challenge and keeps us grounded when external circumstances shift. It’s in the stillness of being that we discover our deepest calling, and it’s this sense of self that influences every action and decision we make.

Being also implies accepting ourselves fully, recognizing our strengths and limitations, and living authentically. It encourages us to embrace our humanity with its complexities—our desire to grow, to contribute, to connect, and to find meaning. Without being, doing and having become hollow pursuits, devoid of a deeper purpose.

Doing: What We Do

Out of being flows doing. Our actions and work are expressions of our identity, vision, and mission. When we reflect on what we do, we explore the many roles we play in life—whether personal, professional, or communal. Doing encompasses our daily tasks, our long-term objectives, and the activities we engage in to fulfill our purpose.

Doing is about action and movement. It reflects our goals and aspirations, translating our inner values into concrete efforts. In organizations and communities, doing takes the shape of mission and vision statements—guiding principles that outline what we want to accomplish and how we plan to get there.

While being is more internal and reflective, doing is outward-focused. It’s how we impact the world around us, through small tasks and large projects alike. Our actions, when aligned with our identity, become intentional and meaningful. Doing is the tangible expression of who we are, driven by our commitment to create, serve, build, or inspire.

In the balance of life, doing is essential because without action, even the best of intentions remain unrealized. But doing, divorced from being, can become mere busyness. It is only when doing is connected to a sense of purpose that it becomes impactful and fulfilling.

Having: What Has Been Entrusted to Us

Having is the culmination of being and doing. It refers to the resources, time, talents, and treasures entrusted to us and the results of our labor. What we have is not only material but also includes intangible assets like relationships, knowledge, skills, and experiences.

Stewardship lies at the heart of having. We are called to wisely manage what has been given to us. Time is one of the most precious resources, often underestimated, yet it is the very foundation on which our lives are built. Talents—our natural abilities and acquired skills—are tools that help us serve others and fulfill our mission. Treasures can include financial resources, property, and the fruits of our labor.

When we reflect on having, we must also consider our role as stewards. What we have is not solely for our benefit but also to be shared, multiplied, and used for the common good. It is easy to fall into the trap of measuring success by what we possess, but true stewardship is not about accumulation. Instead, it is about responsibly using what we have been given to create positive impact, growth, and transformation in our communities and beyond.

Having also challenges us to recognize the outcomes of our work. It asks, “What are we doing with what we’ve been given?” It prompts us to question how we invest our resources and to what end. Are we contributing to the well-being of others? Are we building something that will last beyond us?

Permanent link to this article: https://peacebuilderscommunity.org/about-us/


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