The Board of Trustees (BOT) participated in the PBCI-CFP Tribe’s initial response to the needs of the earthquake-affected families in Sitio Malipayon, Barangay Managa, Municipality of Bansalan, Province of Davao del Sur. The primary objective is to listen directly to the voice of the people on the ground. This will help the BOT to sharpen their policies and sensitivity as PBCI-CFP Tribe implement relief, rehabilitation, and reconstruction responses that are contextually appropriate.
Principles On Disaster Response
Disasters expose the vulnerability of creation and the systemic injustices that remain in the world. We recognize the desperate need for the transforming work of God’s people.
In recognition that our community is called to reflect the character of Jesus by engaging in transforming mission and faithful presence, we commit:
- To a SOLIDARITY OF PURPOSE that demonstrates the character of God’s people by collaborating intentionally with each other in integrity, humility, and goodwill, recognizing the dignity and inherent value of all;
- To a SOLIDARITY OF PROCESS by advancing complete and transparent good practices of disaster management, including the wise and ethical stewardship of personal, corporate, and financial resources;
- To SOLIDARITY OF CONSEQUENCE by holding ourselves, our community, our leaders, and our governments accountable before God and one another;
- To a SOLIDARITY OF PASSION as advocates for justice, equality, dignity, and the transformation of persons, communities, and society;
So as to make manifest Peace and Reconciliation.
Thinking Ahead Towards Rehabilitation
Our engagement with these particular Indigenous Peoples and Settler communities affected by earthquakes is part of a long-term, inclusive development journey.
After a series of relief distribution in partnership with other organizations, our concern now is the ‘rehabilitation phase.’ What they are telling us is to help them build ‘modified bahay kubo’ — small houses made of light materials with galvanized iron roofing. With technical help from our partners, specifically with the help of one of our board members, AJ Moldez, the principal Lanscape Architect at AJM Planning and Design, we’re studying a viable model that fits the geographical, cultural, and social contexts of these people, then we’ll present the model to the community for final design and implementation.
“Considering the nature of the disaster and the structural damage to buildings and infrastructure, displacement in many affected areas is anticipated to continue for at least one year (IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix Report #2). With prolonged displacement, the importance of addressing needs in health, food security and agriculture, and nutrition is expected to increase.” United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA)