The Asian School of Development and Cross-Cultural Studies (ASDECS), Inc. and the PeaceBuilders Community, Inc. (PBCI) have found key points of convergence in advancing non-violent, radical transformation.
For starters, both PBCI and ASDECS share people who serve in their respective corporate leadership. Lakan Sumulong, the president and CEO of PBCI agreed to be a member of ASDECS board of trustees. Joseph “Boyet” Ongkiko, the director of the Community Transformation Program of ASDECS, had agreed to be a part of the PBCI board of trustees. Boyet has also been a PBCI senior consultant in the area of community transformation for the past three years.
ASDECS will also enhance their Master’s degree program in Peace and Development Studies. PBCI have agreed to send its Peace and Reconciliation Teaching Team to help strengthen this program. PBCI have also agreed to open their various PAR Fields throughout the country as a social laboratory for the students enrolled in this degree program.
ASDECS envisions transformational communities in Asia and beyond. ASDECS seeks “to establish a mutually enabling environment that builds the capacities of individuals and organizations to generate faith-based and experience-grounded paradigms and innovative approaches to transformational development and intercultural ministries. ASDECS and its programs are rooted in spirituality and Asian contexts, transformational & wholistic, relational and culture-sensitive, experiential & participatory, and mobile & flexible.”
PBCI is a fellowship of Mennonite missionary-consultants — peace building operatives, conflict transformation specialists, restorative justice practitioners, disaster response specialists, and community development workers — who are dreaming and working together for a just, radical, and active non-violent transformation of our beautiful land. We normally work in partnership with — religious institutions, civil society organizations, political fronts, business corporations, and government agencies.
ASDECS has training centers in Cambodia and the Philippines with around 300 graduates and students coming from development organizations, non-government organizations, government agencies and faith-based organizations. Through their PhD programs in International Development & Asian Studies, Master in Development Management and Master in Transformational Leadership Programs, as well as various Transformational Development certificate programs, they aim to equip our students to facilitate lasting transformations in the organizations and communities they serve.
PBCI had trained various peace and reconciliation (PAR) communities in 33 out 81 provinces throughout the Philippines. PBCI has no administrative control over these organizations, communities, religious groups, or business corporations who have embraced PAR Principles and Practices. We simply cast the vision, provide training, and serve as consultants as each of them develop their respective sustainability as a part of a national network of PAR Communities.
Both PBCI and ASDECS dream to advance radical, active non-violent transformation in this land and beyond.