The eCommerce Team of Coffee for Peace and PeaceBuilders Community met last Saturday, 03 October 2020. We reaffirmed our vision, mission, and values. We started the leadership transition process from the founding generation to the younger generation. We started the digitalization of our business processes to thrive through the economic challenges caused by the present pandemic.

The participants in this strategic planning session, according to their chosen seats, were Aldren, Sihaya, Byron, Mandy, Reggie, Joji, Tala, Lakan, and Ping. A representative from our partner organization, Josh, was also there.
Lakan shared an insight on “The Spirituality of Growing Resources Exponentially Based on Love and Justice.” He reminded the team who Coffee for Peace is and why we exist: “We are a community of peacebuilders, business owners, and farmers who are practicing and advocating inclusive development principles in the coffee industry. We see social entrepreneurship as a business approach to achieve justice and peace in our society and in our environment.”
Joji, President & CEO of Coffee for Peace, shared her spiritual journey and her life’s calling to serve God and the poor. She also outlined how — through diligent listening, research, and relationships with coffee farming communities — Coffee for Peace, Inc. has been developed into what it is today.
Tala shared her research findings on the “Decolonization and Localization of Peacebuilding: The Story of PeaceBuilders Community and Coffee for Peace” from her MA thesis in Conflict Transformation (Eastern Mennonite University, Virginia, USA). Copies of presentation slides were made available.
Pizza was served for lunch. Lakan shared a leadership transition process from the founding generation to the younger generation of leaders who will pursue with the vision and values of CFP. He also facilitated a brief workshop asking the team what they think, how they feel, and what they will do for CFP’s vision, mission, and values.
ALDREN | sustainable | motivated | support |
BEE | big goals | small | react |
JOSH | disruptive | challenged | leap |
MANDY | refreshing | mixed | learn + apply |
PING | genuine & sincere | included | Contribute my skills and time as much as possible |
REGGIE | create | moved | good |
SIHAYA | inclusive | energized | act |
Ping shared her research findings from her Master of Management thesis (University of the Philippines, Mindanao), “Sustainable and Inclusive Peacebuilding Through Coffee: A Strategic Plan for Coffee for Peace.” Copies of presentation slides were made available.
Byron talked about the online training he and Mandy are taking from Ogilvy’s interactive digital course, and shared the fundamentals that underpin the world of social media. It’s about taking a strategic look at how the internet has changed the way people and brands think, act, and communicate. This Ogilvy training also helps learners like Byron and Mandy to discover how emotion, curiosity and storytelling can help create content that will make people trust, care about, and ultimately share a message in the digital world. This is where the social media activities of Coffee for Peace are heading in the immediate future.
Lakan led the group in a workshop based on Byron’s questions. Here are the responses based on frequency:
:: What current projects do we need to focus our attention on?
- Kapeyapaan Farmers’ Association / Farm Development
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Approval / Roasting / FDA Standard Operations /
- Marketing / Ogilvy-Bean Sales
- Digitalization / Data Management / PAR Online / Platform Use /
:: What current projects can we do without?
- Work Outside / Additional Hours of Coffee Shop Operations
:: What requirements must be met in the next quarter?
- FDA Approval / Finish Roasting Facility / Market Beans – More Sales / Increase Sales
- Technological Training and Literacy / Technology & Online Platform
- PBCI FS Updates / CFP Standard Operating Procedures
:: Are there any skills we need to have that don’t currently have in our talent pool?
- Computer Skills, Safety Officer, Sheets / Tech-Online Platform / Marketing – Social Media / Use G-Drive for Online-Offline Communications / PAR Training Online / CFP Training Online
- Farm, Coffee Processing, Practice / Good Communication Skills / Development Communications
- Lawyers & Teachers
:: Is there anyone willing to dedicate themselves in learning these new skills for the team?
- Sihaya: Development Communication Principles and Practices / Digitalization of Training Manuals
- Reggie: Coffee Knowledge and PeaceBuilding
- Aldren: Farm Processing, Coffee Processing, Community Development
- Bee: Django, Ogilvy Marketing
- Ping: Marketing, eCommerce
- Mandy: More Reading
We spent some quiet time to reflect on what have been said and heard. We committed all that have transpired to the Creator and prayed the Lord’s Prayer together. The meeting was concluded after the prayer.