We, at PeaceBuilders Community, resonate with our national church affiliation’s position on the newly-signed Normalization Annex on the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro (FAB).
Indeed, our community supports the coming Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro!
May the God of history lead our beautiful land and beloved people to genuine justice and freedom.
Prayerful statement of the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches on the signing of the Annex on Normalization and the Addendum on Waters during the 43rd Exploratory Talks between the Government of the Philippines (GPH) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) held last 25 January 2014 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as the final parts of the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro
We praise God for bringing the GPH-MILF Peace Negotiations in this stage when all four Annexes to the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro (FAB) have been signed. Along with all the God-worshipping and peace-loving people in our country, we shout “Hallelujah!” as we give our support to this newly-signed agreement.
We congratulate the members of both the GPH and the MILF Peace Panels, past and present, for their faithfulness, diligence, and perseverance in pursuing this noble task of conflict transformation through peaceful negotiations. We specifically applaud the current members of both the GPH and the MILF Peace Panels who have demonstrated transparency, determination, and trustworthiness as they struggled with many difficult issues around the negotiating table.
We anticipate with much excitement the final signing in the next few weeks, when all aspects and annexes of the FAB are integrated into one Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB).
We pray that the drafting of the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) by the Transition Commission would reflect the just and peaceful aspirations of all the Moro people, all the various tribes among the Indigenous Peoples, as well as the Migrants in Mindanao. We also pray that this Bangsamoro Basic Law would pass the careful, responsible examination and deliberation in the House of Representatives using the lenses of justice, righteousness, and peace for all.
We pray that even now, those of us who truly seek genuine transformation towards the peace of the Moros, Indigenous Peoples, and Migrants in Mindanao, would start praying for, and plan on supporting, Moro-led political parties that reflect the justice-oriented and reconciling peace for Mindanao and the whole Philippines. We also pray that the 2016 election for the Bangsamoro Government would pave the way for a new political leadership among Muslims in Mindanao.
We call on our leaders in the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary branches of the government to exemplify honor, transparency, justice, and compassion as we continue this negotiation and partnership until all aspects of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro have been fully implemented.
We call on all those who claim to follow Jesus Christ—the Prince of Peace—to pray with the whole body of believers for the peace of our land as we journey together with our Muslim neighbors.
May we all experience genuine shalom-salaam within us and around us!
PCEC Board of Directors
January 30, 2014
(For more information, contact Bishop Efraim Tendero at 913-1658 or at bishopef@gmail.com.)