The newly-elected Board of Trustees met at the PBCI Center in Davao City. They were updated with the current state of the PeaceBuilders Community, Inc. (PBCI) and were also given updates regarding our involvement in the various fronts and levels of peace processes in our country.
Key organizational, financial, and strategic decisions were made. The current development in the ministry of PBCI is a practical articulation of its Peace Theology with the following objectives:
- To organize one Peace and Reconciliation Community in each of the 80 provinces in the Philippines by the end of 2020 in coordination with various ministerial organizations in cities and municipalities throughout the Philippines.
- To advance Peace and Reconciliation Principles and Practices by serving as consultants to business corporations, religious organizations, government agencies, civil society organizations, academic institutions, state armed forces, and non-state armed groups.
Wendy Kroeker, a friend of PBCI and an organizational development consultant sent by Mennonite Church Canada, shared her observations and suggestions on how we can make our board meetings —
- more open for mutual listening;
- have more depth in our analyses;
- be more sensitive to each others’ questions; and,
- be more participative in our leadership approaches.
The meeting was concluded with a meal. The board members stayed a couple of hours more around the table after the meal–telling personal stories, laughing together, listening to each other, and setting dates for informal fellowship in-between the quarterly board meetings.