The Davao City Ministerial Fellowship (DCMF) sent twenty-six (26) of their key people from among their congregations to be trained as part of the DCMF Peace and Reconciliation (PAR) Community.

They have subdivided their PAR Community into 5 Teams, under the leadership of duly-elected pastors:
1. Formal-Legal Affairs & Public Relations – Pastor Johnny Dalisay
2. Food Supply & Relief Coordination – Pastor Dong Adriano
3. Information & Documentation – Pastor Daniel Penano
4. Logistics & Communication – Pastor Jesher Arsenio
5. Health & Medical Coordination – Sir Tito Quinano

The above list of pastors is also the order of leadership succession in times of emergency.

This PAR organizing process has been going-on for the past few years, starting with informal coffee fellowship between leaders of DCMF and senior staff of PBCI. Both organizations co-sponsored a Christian-Muslim Dialogue in 2008. The DCMF-PBCI relationship became more formal around the time of planning the city-wide Easter Sunrise Service 2011, when DCMF invited Rev. Daniel Pantoja as their Resurrection Sunday Speaker. Since then, leaders and representatives from the two organizations have met several times to envision city-wide ministries together.

During the recent June 28-29 Flood, PeaceBuilders Community, Inc. volunteered to offer technical support in the area of volunteer mobilization system for DCMF to respond effectively and efficiently to the needs of the city.

The initial purpose of organizing DCMF PAR Community is to meet the needs of the victims of the recent flood. Its long-term purpose is to organize the Evangelical constituency in this city for any disaster — whether natural or military-political — as the presence of Christ in the Greater Davao Area.

We praise God for DCMF and its new PAR Community!

Permanent link to this article: https://peacebuilderscommunity.org/2011/07/davao-city-ministerial-fellowship-organizes-a-par-team/

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