We’ll be happy to receive your call:
(+63 82) 297 3139
You can also email us:
We still receive postal mails:
P.O. Box 80138
Davao City 8000
Here’s how to locate us:
PeaceBuilders Community, Inc.
721-A Loreto Street, Juna Subdivision, Matina
Davao City 8000
We’d appreciate a meeting appointment with you:
Some office guidelines to enhance our relationship:
1. Please make sure you have an appointment with any of our staff before you come. When we agree to an appointed meeting at the office, we make sure to focus and to listen well to your concern.
2. Our office is a Peace Zone and a spiritual place of worship and service. Please leave your firearms with the person in charge at the door. With all due respects, we will refuse to see anyone with firearms or any kind of weapon in our office.
3. No one from our staff are allowed to make any promise of funding or to release any cash without due process and approval of our Management Team. We do not release cash through verbal request. All funds from PBCI are released through our project partnership system and through established financial system.
Thank you very much.