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The mighty Pulangi River of Bukidnon Province is in trouble. Year by year, as Bukidnon’s deforestation continues, each rainy season sluices exposed soil into the Pulangi, so that today the river is wider, slower, and shallower than ever before. In the glare of the summer sun, the Pulangi’s fish perish by thousands in the super-heated …
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Engineering was Alkuino’s love from an early age, but his parents urged him to study agriculture so that he could take charge of the family farm. After earning his degree at the University of the Philippines Los Baños College of Agriculture, Alkuino dutifully returned to Valencia to cultivate corn. But when a seven-month drought caused the loss …
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On Monday the 16th, after attending the spectacular Awong Chi Gangsa ceremony, we enjoyed an afternoon of good fellowship at the Grand Zion Hotel. Darnell, Regina and Bryan from PeaceChurch; Twinkle’s mother, grandmother, and cousins; and Kuya Dann talked of all their dreams and plans for PeaceChurch in Manila, and for Twinkle’s PAR network …
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In Tabuk City, on Saturday the 14th, we met with the farmers of Asimbanglan. Hart and Ginny Wiens hosted the meeting, and they helped us to explain to the farmers that it had never been our intention to mislead them or to leave them hanging. Kuya Dann gave the farmers a rundown of the many …
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After listening to the public employee’s hopes for the Cordillera Region, Twinkle, Kuya Dann and I shared an evening of fellowship with Twinkle’s grandmother’s sister and her family in their Baguio home. That night, we boarded a bus for the City of Tabuk in Kalinga Province. On the morning of Thursday the 12th we arrived …
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On the morning of Tuesday the 10th we were back on the bus, heading for San Fernando, La Union. In San Fernando we had lunch with PBCI’s Senior Consultant Dr. Mariano C. Apilado “Manong Mar.” We told him about our meetings in Bangued the previous day, and he commended the new relationships we had …
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In the mid-morning of Saturday, February 7th, I and PeaceBuilders Community, Inc. (PBCI) CEO Rev. Dann Pantoja (Kuya Dann to me) boarded a bus in Manila bound for Baguio City. It was the start of PeaceBuilders’ February 2015 Listening Tour in the Cordillera Region, with objectives which I have previously detailed. We spent the night of the 7th at the Baguio Village …
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Since the 8th of this month, PeaceBuilders CEO Rev. Daniel Pantoja and I have been traveling around the Cordillera region of northern Luzon under the guidance of PeaceBuilders’ own native Cordilleran missionary Twinkle Alngag Bautista. One major objective of our sojourn in the North is to listen and take note of the concerns and aspirations of Cordillerans — particularly those who …
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Among the stacks of case files in the archives of PeaceBuilders Community, Inc. (PBCI) is a fat plastic folder labeled “Dulangan Manobo Farmers,” and stuffed with dozens of documents given to PBCI over the years by the leaders and representatives of the Dulangan Manobo tribe of Sultan Kudarat Province, Mindanao. Some of the documents are …
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As the PeaceBuilders team embarks upon another year of ministry, many projects and needs call for our attentions. In order to practice good stewardship of the talents and resources that God has entrusted to us, it is necessary for us prayerfully to evaluate which of all these potential projects requires urgent and immediate action. We must also endeavor to …
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The local volunteers belonging to the newly-trained and newly-organized Disaster Response Networks (DRNs) have finally managed to deliver relief goods to 278 families in hard-to-reach Barangay Siha, in the Municipality of Borongan, Eastern Samar. In order to transport their cargo of rice-cooking kettles and foodstuffs to the remote barangay, the team risked their lives by fording the Lo-om river, which was swollen by heavy …
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As a result of Typhoon Hagupit’s destruction of homes and infrastructure in the Visayan Islands, many families are currently in dire need of immediate relief. Three of PeaceBuilders’ senior staff — Joji Felicitas Bautista Pantoja (Admin/Finance), Kriz Cruzado (FieldOps), and Bennette Grace Tenecio Mañulit (SupportOps) — are currently assessing the damage and coordinating relief efforts including nutritional …
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