7 results for CPLA
24 April 2017 — The Cordillera Peoples’ Liberation Army (CPLA) invited representatives of PeaceBuilders Community, Inc. (PBCI) to their dialogue with Sec. Jesus Dureza, the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process under the current Administration of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte. PBCI sent me in my capacity as Executive Vice President. With me was Ms. Maimai Lim, …
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Permanent link to this article: https://peacebuilderscommunity.org/2017/04/cpla-invites-pbci-to-observe-their-talks-with-government-peace-negotiators/
The key person who embraced us into this deepening cross-cultural relationship and inclusive development partnership is Madam Janet Alngag. Mama Jane is the matriarch of the Alngag Clan, from the Sumacher Tribe in Tinglayan, Kalinga. She is a school teacher by profession, and a social change agent in the field of education.
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Permanent link to this article: https://peacebuilderscommunity.org/2018/06/inclusive-development-team-fulfils-consulting-trip-to-par-kalinga/
08-12 May 2017. The Kalinga Investing Partners of Coffee for Peace (CFP) spent a week in Davao City and completed the Introductory Seminar on Peace and Reconciliation Principles and Practice and a basic orientation on coffee processing and roasting. This is a preparatory requirement for all CFP investing partners and prospective operation managers. The Kalinga …
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Permanent link to this article: https://peacebuilderscommunity.org/2017/05/kalinga-cfp-par-team-prepares-to-start-conrado-balweg-peace-farm/
Peace and Reconciliation (PAR) is a long-term process and commitment. The beginnings of PAR Kalinga started seven years ago. Our approach was to listen and learn and seek the Spirit’s leading on how to proceed. We are still listening, and will continue to listen to the voice of the Spirit as our relationship takes root …
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Permanent link to this article: https://peacebuilderscommunity.org/2017/02/the-roots-of-par-kalinga-is-growing-deeper/
Last Friday, 02 September 2016 at around 2210H PHT, the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), and possibly with the collaboration of powerful drug lords, detonated an improvised explosive devise (IED) in the middle of Davao City’s busy and crowded Roxas Night Market that killed 14 people and injured 67. Most of the victims were getting a street …
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Permanent link to this article: https://peacebuilderscommunity.org/2016/09/enjoying-street-food-and-massage-a-peaceful-defiance-against-terror/
Kalinga people love peace and coffee. Twinkle Alngag Bautista is convinced that she is called to build a Peace and Reconciliation (PAR) Community and Coffee For Peace (CFP) social business in Kalinga as part of her life’s calling and mission. Coffee is already a popular product here. Local Robusta coffee is brewed every morning in …
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Permanent link to this article: https://peacebuilderscommunity.org/2014/09/new-par-community-brewing-in-kalinga-2/
PBCI VOLUNTEERS ARE PEACEBUILDING MISSIONARIES Becoming a PBCI member means you’re joining as a volunteer. As one of our volunteers, we assume that you have a sense of mission to advance justice and peace within you and around you. PBCI is a community of missionaries. We are people who are experiencing this sense of calling to …
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Permanent link to this article: https://peacebuilderscommunity.org/volunteer/